Friday, May 16, 2008

Big sister brags...

Okay, y'all (still a little Texas  in there!)- humor me while I brag as a big sister!

My littlest brother (ha, he's probably the tallest of us all!) Christian is "graduating" from 8th grade this coming week. Weird! He's going to be a high schooler!!!
My little sister Tiffany (she's almost 19 and is still very little!) has been blessed by the Lord in someone from the church my dad works for just "giving" her a car- literally, just gave it to her. This is after much prayer in God to supply her need in that, however He sees fit. Funny how God works sometimes, huh? We were thinking a good deal, inexpensive- can't get better than that!
My little (not so little anymore) brother Jonathan was just a part of a news feature on Houston's channel 13 about the Interactive Theater that he works for. They started going there as part of home school stuff while he was in elementary school, and he ended up working as an intern while still in school, then being hired on as an actor. A shout out for home schoolers! woo hoo!
 Anyway, you can see the little news clip if you go to:
It may take a little while, but he's on there!!!
Thanks for indulging me for a little while!   :)


Sassy Shae said...

Sniff... I remember watching Christian as a toddler running around the gym on Wednesday nights with his hair all sticking up. Waah! I'm old!

Tiff is not 19. I am in denial.

I see Jonathan from time to time at church, but I am of the A.M. and he is of the P.M. I have to acknowledge him as a grownup now and it's weird. ha

Time flies way too fast!

sharon brobst said...

Where did the time go? Your family has been away for so long...I forget that as time goes on it means little ones grow up!

I remember when Christian was born!!! Oh my....

You are a wonderful 'big' sister!