Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Celebrating New Life!...and Health after sickness!

We are SO excited for our friends, Jon and Robin, who have just adopted their newest baby girl, Rachel Joy, who was born on February 5th around 12:30ish am. There is much to their story of coming to this adoption that testifies of God's incredible grace. We are glad to have a tiny part of that in prayer, walking with them through it. 

After a lot of ups and downs and having to rest in the Lord as they got word this baby would be theirs, to not, to theirs, etc, last night they met their baby girl and were able to hold her and take her "home"- to a nearby hotel, until the papers they need to come home are in their possession. 
After talking with Robin today, I can NOT wait to see this little baby girl. She said she kind of looks like a Hirsch baby, but with darker skin. She has lots of dark hair (not just on her head)  :)  and slanted eyes. They took her to the doctor today and she is perfectly healthy.  To think of all the joy in anticipation and waiting and holding loosely their desires, this baby girl now has a home with a loving dad, mom, and two big sisters.
Rejoice with us in the beauty of God's grace to us revealed through adoption. What a small taste of our getting to be in the family of God! Thankfully, God never had to wait and go back in forth in limbo if we were His or not. :)  I so hope that one day we can experience this within our own family. For now, we will rejoice greatly with those who get to right now!
We are also rejoicing...though cautiously...over healing of yucky sickness within our family. Poor baby Brie was a tad sick with belly aches- I thought it was something I'd eaten, but then a couple days later, little Bethany was sick with the flu, and then Belle til yesterday. So far, no one else has come down sick with the bug, and we're hoping to be spared. For now, we're steering clear of sugar and faithfully taking our immune stimulator and getting lots of rest. We have a party to go to Friday to celebrate Kara Igo's 1st birthday! It would be very sad to not be well enough to go. So, we're nursing everyone to get over this. We've experienced lots of love from the Lord expressed through family and friends during this craziness- help from my parents, food from friends. It's helped lighten the load and keep me semi sane. Let me tell you, at one point, as the baby was screaming to eat, Bethany was crying just because she felt so bad, and Belle was crying, having had just thrown up across the kitchen floor, I  thought- OH BOY! Lord, near!   I am MOST DEFINITELY in need of your strength today. And He was faithful. We all made it. And He's bringing us through today too. 
So...that's the latest within our home. Hope you are getting to experience God at work around and within you too! He is so good to open our eyes to be aware of His presence, in the midst of great joys like adoption, and not-so-great things like sickness. Even if you're not, know that there is hope, because HE CAN and HE DOES. He is good!


prayerworks said...

ah cool, does this mean I get to get new carpets now. I would love to have an excuse to get rid of the den's carpet. maybe next time you have chili for dinner -you may want to do it while watching TV.:-)We do have a that carpet cleaner in the front closet if you need it- but please do not stress over anything. I am just glad that you all are feeling better. Yogurt is a very good at keeping the stomach flu away. We eat it almost every day in the winter

Kristen said...

thank you for the encouraging words! i hope that you feel better soon! thinking and praying for you guys! love you.