Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year, New Resolutions: Blogging Again!

Well, it's been 3 years (to the day) since I've posted on our blog. THREE.WHOLE.YEARS. I'm attributing (blaming) that partially on Facebook, since before I created a Facebook account (as one of the very last people in our circle of family and friends to join the Facebook world), I was faithfully posting on our blog, as a sort of journaling. Then, Facebook entered life, and I started sharing more on there rather than on here. But, since Facebook isn't exactly the place for sharing deep thoughts, and I'm sure my forever long posts (where you see the "...") are annoying to a large number of people, I'm committed to blogging again.

I had made a New Year's resolution last year to begin blogging again, and it was one of them that got put to the wayside. I kept waiting for ideas on what I should even blog about...should I scrap our old family blog, and start a new, more focused one? Should I only record our family things, and things we learn from them? Then I stressed, and that shut it all down. I don't always do well with decision making.

Last weekend, I looked at my list of New Year's resolutions from last year, and marked by the ones that I didn't accomplish. They got written into my list for 2015. This whole blogging thing was high on the list. I definitely want things to be recorded. And while I journal personally, those thoughts and prayers aren't for people to necessarily see. Some things, I'd like the opportunity to be talked over, challenged, discussed, or as an encouragement or help to someone else. More than anything, I want to help others to see Jesus for who He is- Worthy, and to share in Treasuring Him. The thoughts, things we learn, questions we wrestle with, and personal testimony of how we get to see God in the everyday...I want to share them, with whoever will "listen" as a source of encouragement. I know sometimes I need to "see" Him at work in others lives to keep on believing Him in mine.

I'm currently feeling in a place of contentment. Not exactly content with current circumstances, or really liking certain things, but, I am "okay" with it NOT being okay. I feel content IN God, in what He has right now. That's why I just went ahead and moved the undone resolutions from last year into this year's list. His grace empowered us for what was to be for last year. Yes, there are things left undone. And while often times that may frustrate my perfectionist personality, I think lately, I'm seeing more and more that my imperfection only highlights His pure perfection. I'm not going to stop making goals, or not have New Year's resolutions for fear of not reaching them. I'm believing God has given me what He has set out for me to aim for this year. And, I KNOW He will be glorified regardless of if that list is completed. He'll get the glory in giving strength to complete whatever He empowers me to accomplish, and He'll get the glory in my getting to see Him as God, the only one who can accomplish all He sets His mind to, in whatever I fail to check off that list. Isn't that the point, anyway? His glory!

Praying for grace.